Capsule 3–4 x 3 mm., subglobose or broadly ovoid, ribbed, the beak prominent, 2 mm. tall, laterally compressed, the valves ultimately ± reflexed.
Flowers in 3’s or 5’s at the apex of the stem with a solitary terminal flower and solitary axillary flowers; pedicels 3–6 mm. long.
Calyx tube c. 1.5 mm. long, ovoid; lobes 2–3 mm. long, lanceolate, the limb tube scarcely developed.
Much branched shrubby herb, woody at the base, glabrous; older stems with flaking bark.
Corolla greenish white; tube c. 2.8 cm long; lobes 5–6 x c. 3 mm., ovate.
Style just exserted, the stigmatic lobes linear-oblong c. 2 mm. long.
Stamens included in the throat.