Short-stemmed, clump-forming, succulent perennial, up to 150 mm tall, with hairs and bristles always shorter than leaves. Leaves ovate, acute, 10-30 mm long, papillate. Flowers large, on stout peduncles, carmine, stamens (25-)30-45. Seeds colliculate.
Perennial herb; tufted. Leaves with blade ± 18 mm long, brownish green, papillate, axillary hairs few. Flowers: inflorescence up to 150 mm high; corolla 30-35 mm in diameter, dark pink; Dec.-Mar.
Short-stemmed succulent to 15 cm. Leaves ovate, acute, 10-30 mm long, papillate, with very short basal bristles. Flowers on stout peduncles, pink, stamens 30-45.