Glabrous except for a dense tawny tomentum on the inflorescence and flowers. Leaves opposite or ternate, usually scattered; lamina lanceolate or narrowly ovate, 8-22 (-30) by 1—7(—12) cm, shortly cuneate to slightly cordate at the base to a petiole 10-25 mm long, somewhat acuminate but finally obtuse or rounded at the apex, dull on both sides or slightly lustrous above; venation pinnate with the midrib prominent below. Inflorescences at the nodes and on the epicortical runners, pedunculate 30-to 50-rayed umbels of triads with the central flowers mostly sessile; peduncle (10-)20-50 mm long, dilated at apex; rays 5-10 mm long; pedicels of the lateral flowers 1-2 mm long. Corolla in mature bud 5-or 6-merous, 30-38 mm long, slightly dilated at the base, clavate and obtuse at the apex, mostly red, rarely yellow; petals shortly coherent at the base after anthesis. Anther 1-4 mm long, slightly shorter than the free part of the filament.