Glabrous or the young inflorescence and flowers tomentose. Leaves opposite, ternate or quaternate; lamina very variable, narrowly elliptic to obovate, (3-)5-10(-20) by 4(—12)cm, attenuate at the base to a winged petiole obscure or up to 20 mm long, usually obtuse at the apex, dull on both sides or somewhat lustrous above; venation pinnate with the midrib distinct towards the base. Inflorescences at the nodes and along the internodes, simple 2-to 4-flowered umbels; peduncle slender, 1-6 mm long; rays (0.5-) long. Corolla in mature bud 4-or rarely 5-merous, 14-18 mm long, rather slender, obtuse at the apex, mostly red or violet below and green above. Anther 2-2.5 mm long, much longer than the free part of the filament. Fig. 9e, f.