Plants large. Stems erect-ascending, 1-pinnate; paraphyllia filamentous to narrowly foliose, simple or branched; axillary hairs 2-celled, cells brown. Stem leaves ovate; margins recurved at least proximally, crenulate-papillose; costa 3/4 leaf length; laminal cells rhombic to oblong-hexagonal, 1-papillose on both surfaces. Branch leaves ovate; margins plane, crenulate-papillose; acute to broadly acuminate; costa 3/4 leaf length, not covered with cells apically; laminal cells rounded-quadrate to short-rectangular, 1-papillose on both surfaces. Sexual condition dioicous; perichaetial leaves oblong-lanceolate, margins strongly serrate distally, costa subpercurrent, laminal cells porose. Seta smooth. Capsule inclined, cylindric, arcuate; annulus 2-or 3-seriate; operculum obliquely short-rostrate; endostome segments narrowly perforate, cilia 1 or 2.